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Coefficients for the snow load
EuroCode - EN 1991 - Snow
Author: Design Forms s.r.o.
Created: 3/3/2017
Last updated: 3/3/2017
Coefficients for the snow load

Roof geometry

Roof slope

Roof slope is defined in the dialogue in degrees and used for calculation of the shape coefficients.

Shape coefficients

Snow shape coefficients are calcualted according roof slope.

Angle of pitch of roof α 0° ≤ α ≤ 30° 30° ≤ α ≤ 60° α ≥ 60°
μ1 0,8 0,8•(60 - α)/30 0,0
μ2 0,8 + 0,8•α/30 1,6 --

Characteristic value of snow load on the ground

This value depend on the selected national annex, Clause 4.1(1). More information can be found on the National annex page.


Exposure coefficient

This value depend on the selected national annex, Clause 5.2(7). More information can be found on the National annex page.

Table 5.1 Recommended standard values of Ce for different tophographies

Topography Ce
Windswepta 0,8
Normalb 1,0
Shelteredc 1,2
a Windswept topography: flat unobstructed areas exposed on all sides

without, or little shelter afforded by terrain, higher construction works or


b Normal topography: areas where there is no significant removal of snow

by wind on construction work, because of terrain, other construction works

or trees.

c Sheltered topography: areas in which the construction work being

considered is considerably lower than the surrounding terrain or

surrounded by high trees and/or surrounded by higher construction works.

Thermal coefficient

This value depend on the selected national annex, Clause 5.2(8). More information can be found on the National annex page.

Recommended value: Ct = 1.0

Explanation of symbols

Ce - Exposure coefficient

Cesl - Exceptional load coefficient

Ct - Thermal coefficient

sk - Characteristic value of snow load on the ground [kN/m2]

α - Roof slope [°]

μ1 - Shape coefficient

μ2 - Shape coefficient